With the New Year upon us, our team of Eye of Horus Goddesses are all inspired to start it fresh and clean with goals and plans of healthy eating & nourishing rituals. We feel there is nothing more important than nurturing our body & mind using the gifts from nature.
Two of our Goddesses – Anna & Cait – have taken to the kitchen to get creative with food for both a healthy meal and a clean beauty face mask to kick off their New Year health goals. The girls have taken inspiration from the paleo diet, eliminating all sugar, heavy carbohydrates such as bread, pasta and rice and focusing predominantly on a plant based diet.
The aim of a paleo diet is to return to eating like our ancestors in earlier times with a focus on whole natural foods – meaning as little processing as possible. The diet's reasoning is that the human body is genetically mismatched to the modern diet that emerged with farming practices of dairy, grains and legumes. The girls are focusing on including and avoiding these food groups:
// I N C L U D I N G //
Fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds, protein & healthy fats; such as olive and coconut oil. Avocado, flax seeds & omega-3 fatty acids. Fermented foods; such as sauerkraut and kombucha.
// A V O I D I N G //
Grains, such as wheat, oats and barley. Legumes, such as beans, lentils, peanuts and peas. Dairy products, refined sugar & salt. Starchy vegetables such as potatoes.
Tip: Avoid any highly processed foods in general. If there is an ingredient that you have not heard of or can't pronounce don't have it! Opt for natural ingredients from the earth. Foods consumed in a state as close to nature as possible provide the most nutrients and the greatest benefit to your health.
Most importantly - have fun, be playful and creative with your food!
The girls spent a day focusing on creating healthy alternatives for health and beauty. For lunch the girls created a super salad focusing on alkalizing greens, nutrient dense vegetables and tofu for protein accompanied by refreshing fruit infused drinks to beat the summer heat here in Byron Bay. After lunch they indulged and relaxed with a homemade face mask. Check out these simple recipes below and try it at home!
This nutrient dense salad is full of all the healthiest types of vegetables which are easily digested by the body and converted into clean energy. When detoxing it’s crucial to focus on eating easily digested foods such as greens, because their rich digestive and antioxidant enzymes help clear out built up toxic waste in our digestive tract which in turn makes us feel so much better. Loads of information is now coming out about the gut-brain connection – where looking after your gut health syncs in with higher energy and a more focused mind.
// I N G R E D I E N T S //
Mixed green leaves, Sprouts, Zucchini, Lime, Organic Tofu, Tamari, Rice Vinegar, Grated Ginger, Cherry Tomatoes, Broccolini bunch.
// M E T H O D //
1. Using a vegetable spiralizer, create pasta from the zucchini.
2. Create the sauce from mixing 3 parts tamari to 1 part rice vinegar with a table spoon of grated ginger. Throw the tofu in a pan with your tamari sauce and cook on medium heat for about ten minutes, turning the tofu every few minutes. Set to the side once done
3. Throw the broccolini in the pan with the tamari and ginger until softened. At the end throw the zucchini pasta in the pan for about a minute
44. In a big bowl mix salad greens, cherry tomatoes, zucchini noodles, broccolini, sprouts & tofu
5. Dress with tamari, rice vinegar and lime, salt & pepper
This refreshing drink is sugar free, embracing the fresh flavours of natural fruits. Adding a hint of lemon for its alkalizing and detoxing properties.
// I N G R E D I E N T S //
Soda water, lemon, blueberries, strawberries, mint, ice
// M E T H O D //
1. Slice lemon into circular shape and cut strawberries in half.
2. Load up your cup with ice and place mint, lemon & fruits into tall glasses and load with ice.
3. Top up with soda water and allow a few minutes for the fruit to infuse into the water before consuming.
This mask is simple yet effective, featuring three super foods which can help combat signs of aging and will leave your skin hydrated and glowing.
// I N G R E D I E N T S //
Turmeric, coconut oil, ground coffee
// M E T H O D //
1. Slice some cucumber to use on your eyes to reduce puffiness.
2. Combine the turmeric, coconut oil and ground coffee beans in a bowl.
3. Apply all over face, avoiding eye lid and brow areas. Place a sliced piece of cucumber over each eye to rejuvenate eyes.
4. Lay back & relax with the mask on for 15-20 minutes before washing off.
Other Tips
1. Practice mindfulness whilst eating, enjoy and taste your food and most importantly don't feel guilty. A daily practice of meditation or yoga can assist with not only detoxing your body but also your mind! A clear uncluttered mind can assist with making healthy choices!
2. Make sure you get enough sleep.
3. Love yourself and be kind to your body!